Thursday, October 05, 2006

Problems and solutions

I deal with my problem really good with a little of furios to mantian my self but sometimes I explode and try to kick him until is finished and I will never will have a problem with him again. Sometimes I do diferent types, but are worst one time me and friends bother somebody all the year and now he don’t mess up with me. Sometimes I think tha what I do to my friend was a little big but he bother in 2 years and was enough i bother him in 1 year and now he is good.

When i was in 3rd year, almost everybody bothers me, but one day i realize that somebody was the centerso in 4th grade i talk with some friends to agree in something so we start bothring ****** and finals of 4th grade and we finish him at finals of 5th grade when all this finished, ****** dont bother me again.

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