Thursday, October 26, 2006


One dark and cold day me and my friends Carlos, Francisco were playing soccer we were having so much fun that I don’t hear when my mother tell me that she goes away. When we were playing soccer Carlos was thinking in somebody and Francisco for bring back to the world to Carlos throw the ball to the face and Carlos follow Francisco for kick him, but this time Carlos don’t kick Francisco because the electricity goes off.

Later we hear two screams so we run to see who were. When we were there we saw that were Maria and Sofia so we invited them to come to the garden of my house. Like normally Carlos and Maria were insulting each other again, so me, Francisco, and Sofia go to another part.

When Carlos and Maria stop insulting themselves a guy go to talk to Maria.
Carlos was feeling jealous so he ask to the man to leave so he react aggressive an in hat instant of moment Carlos kick the man in the hand so he call he’s friends for kick Carlos really hard so Carlos call me and Francisco to help him we were three they were seven so Carlos go up like scared and get inside of my home so me and Francisco fight with them. Later I saw Carlos going down with three bats of Baseball. Them I hear somebody screamed and the guys spread away of Francisco and me. Carlos gives us the bats for we can defend our selves, so the strange guys go away.

Maria was sorry with Carlos and start talking to him in that instant moment Carlos stop loving Maria with no reason and when Maria express his love to Carlos, Carlos, quiet Maria by putting he’s finger to his mouth.

Later Carlos and Maria were insulting each other again but this time Maria started and they were insulting really bad this time so Me, Francisco, and Sofia stop them this time. Later we saw that Carlos say peace to Maria forever.

At 12:30 pm light comes back and we go to eat “Perritos Calientes Donde El Jose”. Later I go to my house with Carlos, Francisco, and me.

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